ถ้าคุณไปเวียดนาม คุณพักโรงแรมนี้เป็นประจำ you stay in this hotel often when you go to Vietnam? มันดี HoChiMinh more sightseeing Please massage for me กลัวเจ็บ
If you go to this hotel you stay with Viet Nam.you stay in this hotel often when you go to Vietnam?It is very good.HoChiMinh more sightseeingPlease massage for meSore afraid.
If you go to Vietnam This is your hotel you stay in this hotel often when you go to Vietnam? It HoChiMinh more sightseeing for Massage Me Please sore afraid.
If you go to Vietnam, you stay in this hotel.You stay in this hotel often when you go to Vietnam?It is.HoChiMinh more sightseeing.Please massage for me.Fear injury.