Results (
English) 3:
In detail for customers to buy goods, the seller free shipping by registered air at the receive the goods within 13-20 days, but the seller was shipped with another way to save money. I attach a document to show per file.Payment date 20 July 2016.Order ID: 30180432293059.Store: U7 JEWELRY--quality jewelry factory brand.The seller is not responsible for everything and runI tried to contact and contact customer service to help, but failed.Did the seller promise you anything about this concern?They don"t pay, I, I want my money back.And shipment, seller cheating. Not ship the goods Airmail but different.May I ask if you try to open a dispute about this issue?I will open, but doesn"t open, and I don"t get the goods, why did I get money. Why didn"t I get the money back. The seller does not back away.
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