[10/29/13, 11:19:26 pm] pritsana kuadnok: I have not been through many men [10/29/13, 11:20:21 pm] pritsana kuadnok: How to make money with them. I am very
[10/29/13, 11: 19: 26 PM] pritsana kuadnok: I haven't been through the hands of several men man [10/29/13, 11: 20: 21 PM] pritsana kuadnok: They just make money with me.
[2/10/13, 11:19:26 PM] pritsana kuadnok: I have not been through his hand, and many of them [2/10/13, 11:20:21 PM] pritsana kuadnok: they just give money to me.