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Working long hours can be divided into three styles:1 work beyond normal hours, according to the law.2 excess hours of work in excess of the maximum time which can affect health and safety. 3 working beyond hours By the workers would like to work. Article 16 of the International Labour Organization to reduce the working hours of instruction (1962) State means all hours of overtime worked in excess of the normal (Spurgeon, 2003), so in this research, we will follow the definition of the International Labour Organization working overtime means hours of work beyond the hours of normal statue set on the level of social acceptance is generally greater than 48. 2.3. what hours a week overtime too? ' Working overtime, too. ' Specify not only the time exceeds the maximum time assigned to them by the legal regulations on the work of the national or international standards, but also to the relevant working hours that negatively affect the workers. -The meaning of the second overtime (see above). The problem of workers being exposed to a potential health and safety risks associated with long work hours are important points that. ' Overtime ' from ' is too much overtime. European Union (EU), the working time Directive (1993), said that the development of workers ' health, occupational health and safety at work is based on the objective that should not be purely economic considerations are secondary. Even if the risk varies depending on the time available in the nature of work and the nature of the evidence that the person working month.overtime means work hours exceeding the normal statuary hours whichdetermine a socially acceptable level, meaning generally more than 48 hours per week.excessive overtime' identifies not only the hours exceeding those maximum hours definedby national statutory regulations on working time or relevant international standards, but also thehours of work that have negative consequences on workers - the second definition of overtime 1. hours exceeding the normal statutory hours: this highlights the fact that the normalstatutory hours determine a socially acceptable level of working time;2. hours exceeding the maximum hours of work beyond which negative consequences onworkers are known to be visible: the effects on health and safety are crucial;3. hours exceeding those which workers prefer to work.As article 16 of the ILO Reduction of Hours of Work Recommendation (1962) states, overtime meansall hours worked in excess of normal hours (Spurgeon, 2003). Thus, in this research, we will followthe ILO definition that overtime means work hours exceeding the normal statuary hours whichdetermine a socially acceptable level, meaning generally more than 48 hours per week.2.3 WHAT IS EXCESSIVE OVERTIME?The term 'excessive overtime' identifies not only the hours exceeding those maximum hours definedby national statutory regulations on working time or relevant international standards, but also thehours of work that have negative consequences on workers - the second definition of overtime (seeabove). The issue of workers being exposed to potential health and safety risks relating to longworking hours is the key point that separates 'excessive overtime' from 'overtime'.The European Union (EU) Working Time Directive (1993) states that the improvement of workers'safety, hygiene and health at work is an objective which should not be subordinated to purelyeconomic considerations. Although the risks vary depending on how the hours are organized, thenature of the work, and the characteristics of individuals, there is strong evidence that working mo
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