Results (
English) 3:
1. Alabama (Alabama)
"list of bird yellow hammer" (The Yallowhammer State) is a bit small birds and Yallohammer
head neck. , and there are yellow. This kind of bird is a symbol of the state of Alabama were brought up
is the nickname of the state
2. Alaska (Alaska)
.There are two nicknames is "the final frontier" (The Last Frontiea) and the "land of the midnight Sunday"
(Land of the Midnight Sun) because it is the largest state So far most mainland and North bordering Canada
3. Arizona (Arizona)
."The state of the Grand Canyon." (Grand Canyon State) Grand Canyon tourism
naturally. There is a vast area of Valley High and deep. I high rock jungle
.The river flows through and Colorado is a symbol and the nickname of the state this
4. R can SEO (Arkansas)
"natural state" (The. Natural State) consists of forests, sugarcane, cotton, rice and soybeans rich
5. California (California)
."The Golden State" (Golden State) in the 19 have gold rush (The Gold Rush)
occur in this state until the word "Go West. Young Man "(if you want to get rich or want to disappear
have to dig gold western countries), the symbol of the state is a suspension bridge Golden Get
.In the city San Francisco Hollywood city and industrial film
6. Colorado (Colorado)
"statehood celebration a century" (Centennial. State) is a tourist attraction with a beautiful country. Such as the Rocky Mountains and
Park Place skiing the famed
7.Connecticut (Connecticut)
has two nicknames is "the Constitution State" (The Constitution State) and "state of the moon)"
(Nutmeg. State) nutmeg is Cardamom is the moon country, also Yale
(Yale University) is located in this
8.Delaware (Delaware)
three nickname is "the diamond state.") "(Diamond State state number one" (First State)
and "fantastic worlds leaves less." (Small Wonder)
9. Florida (Florida)
."State of the sun" (Sunshine State) as a state with a cape filed into the sea.
there is warm sunshine all year round. The world is Disney World attractions and beautiful beach Miami
10. Georgia (Georgia)
.There are two nicknames is "Peach State" (Peach State) and "empire state of the south."
(Empire State of The South) because of having planted peach trees. The capital is Atlanta
there are tall buildings, modern No New York
11. Hawaii I (Hawaii)
."Aloha Hawaiian. '" (Aloha Hawaii) is the state of the country. "Fifty. "Aloha"
is a greeting the natives of the Hawaiian Islands Yi It is a symbol of the state and Hawaii nickname
12. Idaho (Idaho)
."Gem State" (Gem) mining and forestry
13. Illinois (Illinois)
"state of abundance with meadow" (Prairie. State) city Sprigfield of
Illinois as president Abraham Lincoln who stop slave system
14. Indiana (Indiana)
."The state of basketball teams Hoo SEER" () is the name Hoosier State Hoosier basketball team
reputation spread. It is the pride of the state Indiana
15. Iowa (Iowa)
."State of the Hawk Eye" (Hawkeye State Hawks) animals are agile, flying high, and have a keen eye sharp
state has the agriculture such as farming and livestock 16,
. Kansas (Kansas)
.There are two nicknames is "the Sunflower State" (Sunflower State) and "state of the group
abolish slavery" (Jayhawk State Jayhawk.) The radical group in the United States. In the American Civil War Kansas
17. Kentucky (Kentucky)
."State of the string" (i.e., banjo and guitar) (Bluegrass State) Kentucky
is also famous for the world's best racehorse breeding pet
18.? Louisiana (Louisiana)
."The Pelican State." (Pelican State) pelican is a large bird eats fish, goiter, city
New Orleans in the state of Louisiana เป็นแหล่งท่องเที่ยว matters. Because a
France and Mardi Festival Gras
19. Maine (Maine)
."The pine tree state" (Pine Tree State) pine tree leaves are cape has shaped into a cone. Where there is a pine forest
the air there is because the oxygen. The state of this terrain is mountainous and lake
20. Maryland (Maryland)
.There are two nicknames is "state of freedom" (Free State) and "old state"
(Old line State) is one of the 13 รัฐแรก
21. Mass SA Su เสตส์. (Massachusetts)
has two nicknames is "state of the bay" (Bay State) and "old colony state"
.(Old Colony State) is one of the first state and 13 history center of intellectuals and students
22. Her axis (Michigan)
"the Wolverine state." (Wolverine State), Wolverine (Wolverine) animals in cold regions
.Remember, fox, like a cat, mammals have long hair black Michigan surrounded by lake
to สี่ทะ lake. And the state number one car and manufacturing manufacturing steel, the city is a city of industry Detroit
23 important.Minnesota (Minnesota)
three nickname is "North Star State" (North Star State.) "state gopher squirrel"
(Gopher State). And "the land of 10 000 lake," (Land, of 10 000 Lakes)
.Gopher (gopher) is a squirrel in North America like I large. There is a very big cheek bulge
24. The Mississippi Mississippi)
(nicknamed "state of magnolia flower" (Magnolia State) แมกโน lick (Magnolia)
.A bass, some flowers, Monta flowers with white, pink, purple and yellow Mississipp
I is also the state to grow cotton in most countries, 25
. Missouri (Missouri)
."The state of things to see many" (Show-me State) of this historical places such as the homeland of Hannibal
novelist, PhD. Mark Twain and Museum
Jesse James
26. Nebraska (Montana)
."List of treasure" (Treasure State) worth of this state is agriculture, hunting and animal husbandry.
like sheep and cattle
, 27. Nebraska (Nebraska)
.There are two nicknames is "state of the sheep corn" (Cornhusker State) and "state of the beef"
(Beef State), both named this show that this state rich in corn and cattle. And also the meat packing industry
in big cities. As well
28.Nevada (Nevada)
three nickname is "state tree grove" (Sagebrush State.) "impurity state rich with silver"
.(Silver State) and "state to come to battle" (Battle Born State) state has a casino. The world's largest and leading entertainment center of the earth is in Las Vegas
29. New ham Sears (New Hampshire)
."Granite State" (Granite State) New Hampshire is the state with the view. Beautiful and natural attractions attracts many tourists
30. New Jersey (New Jersey)
."The state rich in vegetation." (Garden State) of this resort along the coast.
have place casino and according to the rules
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