ขณะที่อีกประเภทคือ introvertsที่มักจะชอบอยู่เงียบๆ ไม่ชอบเข้าสังคม ชอบตรึกตรอง ครุ่นคิดกับตัวเอง meditative thought to himself. ชอบตรึกตรองครุ่นคิดกับตัวเอง
While the other types are introverts who often prefer to live quietly. I don't like to think like the society to ponder on themselves.meditative thought to himself. I like to think myself to be immersed in thought.
While other types introverts who often prefer to remain silent. Unsociable meditative thought to myself, meditative thought to himself. meditative thought to himself.
While the other is introverts always like to stay quiet, unsociable. Like muse, thinking oneself meditative thought to. Himself. like Muse ponder to himself.