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Hello everyone, today I will tell the story of ASEAN. Vietnam Title I made nylon
once upon a time. A young child He is intelligent, But he spent most of his brilliance lies the attraction. The locals call him I glib
one day his uncle out plowing. Forest Park is home chores. As he watched her in the kitchen. I was dodging the idea flashed. Imagine strategies to wheel out their aunt and uncle have one. He quickly slipped out of the house ran to the field that I am plow. Then told me that she fell down the stairs to get to
know me, when I was rushed back home
, but I ran the shortcut dodging cut back to the house before he could reach. He ran into the house Wild buffalo horn and told that I was in a hurry to
finish it, he said. I rushed out of the house. He looked after her, then laughed, I ran as fast as possible. Enough to turn the corner Aunt and uncle who had crashed into a sweat pant pant ribosomal body. The couple looked at each other, stunned speechless. And know that the work of his nephew, the two men had entered the house. I found dodging behind the house. We pulled into the cage lid tightly, so that when the sun is out this cage to release the evening, my aunt and uncle went to the cage to the river. While dodging thrown into the river, I cried out. Their guilt and accept the punishment. But the aunt and uncle took the art of misleading the House to their uncle and aunt went home and took a book to his nephew. While I was waiting in a cage made of Polyamide. A blind man was walking along the river. I was called to the blind, deviating from the rope cage. The cage was opened. As soon as I opened the Qur'an I made it jump out of the cage, nylon and ran away. When the uncle and aunt to nephew was missing from the cage. But the blind man I ran into the woods wave action. Later, he met an old pot in a pot of gold. He took the gold back to my aunt and uncle. Make his family rich Uncle and aunt thought to find a woman to marry, I glib. Supposing habitual liar and a bit lazy to disappear later they were married. A few months ago, uncle and aunt died I was dodging a lie. Deceive others the same day he was walking in the woods, they caught me Scouts Scout deductible paws. Scout scream in pain While he heard the mother tiger. He managed to sneak behind a bush next Tiger Scouts to put on the tree. Then remove the leaves magical healing. I was stunned to see glib The Tiger Mother and the Boy Scouts He dug out a banyan tree to plant at home following his well-Tree. And told his wife not to waste poured out at the base of the tree. Her first husband did as told. But later, her husband hurt the tree over their wife waste to pour out at the base of trees. Suddenly, the tree began to shake the tree. Gradually uprooted from the ground up Gently floating up in the air Dodging the event so I ran to the tree. Roots take hold in their hands the root of the tree, so it would float up into the sky. The South dodging hanging from tree roots. Ton rise to eventually reach the trees just off of the moon from the past , if you look carefully, you'll see the shadow banyan appear within the moon. There I sat propped up against the tree dodging. People of Vietnam, it follows that
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