Fig. 1. Mean temperature (8C; solid line), rainfall (mm; bars) and reference evapotranspiration (mm; dashed line) during the experiment, from day 105 to 271 of the year (2001).
fig. First. mean temperature (8c; solid line), rainfall (mm; bars) and reference evapotranspiration (mm; dashed line) during the experiment, from day 105 to 271 of the year (2001).
Fig. 1. Mean temperature (8C; solid line), rainfall (mm; bars) and reference evapotranspiration (mm; dashed line) during the experiment, from day 105 to 271 of the year (2001).
Fig. 1. Mean temperature (8 C; solid line), rainfall (mm; bars) and reference evapotranspiration (mm; dashed line) during the experiment, from day 105 to 271 of the year (2001).