[11/5/13, 10:18:23 pm] pritsana kuadnok: mother sleeping in the same room Jelly [11/5/13, 10:19:07 pm] pritsana kuadnok: I'm single mother not to sleep alone.
[11/5/10, 13: 18: 23 PM] pritsana kuadnok: Mae na 100% the same bedroom [11/5/10, 13: 19: 07 PM] pritsana kuadnok: I am unmarried mother not to sleep alone.
[5/11/13, 10:18:23 PM] pritsana kuadnok: jelly, my mother lay the same [5/11/13, 10:19:07 PM] pritsana kuadnok: I am an unmarried mother is not one to lie.