ในหลายขั้นตอนการทำงานมักจะมีความขัดแย้งเกิดขึ้น จำเป็นจะต้องรับฟังความคิดเห็นของผู้อื่นและระดมสมองเพื่อร่วมกันหาทางแก้ไขปัญหาให้ได้ In many of the works are usually conflicts occur.
In many of the works are usually conflicts occur. Need to listen to the opinions of others and brainstorm in order to jointly find a solution to it.In many of the works are usually conflicts occur.
In the process often conflicts occur. Need to listen to the opinions of others and brainstorm together to find solutions to the In many of the works are usually conflicts occur.
In the process, often have conflicts occur. Need to listen to the opinions of others, and to find a solution to brainstorm together In many of the works are usually conflicts. Occur.