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flexibility has been used by employers to further economic outcomes ask me one more chance ? ?? ? In today's Economy, globalization, Innovation, and Technology have greatly influenced the business Environment. In Order to Face a Variety of challenges, organizations Need to Build their core competencies and Sustain their competitive Advantage. Specifically, Knowledge Generation and dissemination are more. Critical than they have been in the Past Due Today, economic globalization in today's economy, innovation and technology have greatly influenced the business environment. To face a variety of challenges , organizations need to build their core. And sustain competitive advantage by creating knowledge and disseminating critical than they have historically been flexible in their work and life balance, working with the agenda of contemporary importance within the organization and may have an impact. both positive and negative. Many organizations use to determine how to reduce them. Costs and improving their work, many companies are trying to be checked so that they can look at ways of reducing employment is the salary of a typical company will have the largest base value. The cost of most of the companies have a strategy to avoid duplication within their organizations. This flexibility is interested in labor and this may give employees a more private time and reduce costs for employers. In a situation when the organization must continue to cut staff, employees use some see this as an opportunity to practice and. Develop new skills and demonstrated ability and ability to advance their careers. It is important to understand the concept of work-life balance, as it means different for different people. Also, it depends on the level of the organizational hierarchy that they are part of such employers and employees have different views on flexible working and work-life balance. Other employees found that the workload is increasing. And stressed that it is dangerous to balance their work and life. People are becoming more and more focused on their health and quality of life may be at risk, especially in those organizations with the work safety is threatened and / or employees used to perform special tasks. Generally, people used to work for long periods of time in the workplace, high workloads, talk about the impact of working too much on the performance of employees and managers, Australian and New Zealand Organisations are increasingly considering the Benefits of ensuring. their employees Achieve 'Work / Life balance'. The subject of How Work / Life balance Can be achieved and Enhanced has received significant Attention from employers, Workers, politicians, academics and the Media. The Concept, dubbed a 'barbecue-Stopper' by. Australian Prime Minister John Howard, has been described as the "Biggest Issue Policy we have ".1 In an election year in New Zealand, the Labour Government Similarly acknowledges that "Work / Life balance and having Enough time for Family is fundamental to the New. Way of Life Zealand ".2 Both Work-Life balance Flexible working and Contemporary agendas are important and could have both positive and organizations Within Consequences negative. Many organizations use Ways to Look for reducing their costs and streamlining their Operations. Many companies are trying to. have a check so that they could look at ways of reducing payrolls as company's payroll is typically its biggest cost base. Most of the companies are formulating strategies to avoid redundancies within their organizations. As such, there is a renewed interest in workforce flexibility and how. this could provide employees with more Personal Reduce time and costs for employers. In the Situations when organizations have staff to Perform Cut, Some staff use this as the opportunity to See New Skills to Hone and develop and demonstrate their capacity and capability for Career progression. Hence, it is important to understand the concept of work-life balance as it means differently for different people. Also, it depends on the level of the hierarchy of organizations of which they are part of, ie, an employer and an employee have different. perspectives on the flexibility in Work and in the Work-Life balance. Other employees Find the Increased workload to be stressful and also consider it as detrimental to the balance in their Work and Life. People are becoming more stressed and their Health and Wellbeing May be. at more risk, especially in those organizations, where job Security is threatened and / or employees use to Carry extra workload. Generally, people use to Work for Longer Duration in Workplaces where workload is higher Discuss the implications of excessive working hours on the Performance of. employees and Managers. Study that describes the Impact of Leadership Styles and Change Management on business activities. The purpose of the Essay is to Identify the roles of Work-Life balance, flexibility in Work Arrangements and Other challenges in Managing Dynamic Organisations. Students are expected. to Engage in Extensive Research Within the Academic literature relating to Work-Life balance, Flexible Work Arrangements, job satisfaction and employee performances. Work-Life Conflict is the Responsibility of both the Employer and employee. Employers Can Identify Ways to Reduce workloads, Overtime and. job-related travel. Furthermore, employers Can reward Overtime Work, Make Alternative Corporate Work Provisions available and IMPLEMENT Career Development and Advancement programs. The employee is responsible for limiting the amount of job-related Work at Home, limiting the Reliance on Overtime hours,. reducing business travel and becoming more knowledgeable 9 About Work-Life Policies (Higgins & Duxbury, 2,002). Employees must Learn to Manage their time to Avoid anxiety and Work overload. Work and Family are Two important domains for those Who are employed. Researchers have. Found significant interdependence in the roles that each requires. Workfamily Conflict arises when an imbalance exists between the Two roles. One role May demand more time or more responsibilities, thus causing the responsibilities of the Other role to be left to suffer. Work-Family Conflict. Work-Family Conflict arises when balance is lacking between the Two roles. One role Might demand more time or more responsibilities, thus causing role responsibilities of the Other to be left to suffer. Organizations that are responsive to Work-Family Benefits are more likely to. be considered a desirable Employer (Blair-Loy & Wharton, the 2,002th; Kossek, Noe & DeMarr, in 1999; Leiter & Durup, 1996). Some corporations Seek High ratings in the business Community as a favorable Workplace by having these Policies in Place. It. is purported that Although these Benefits are offered, many employees May or May not be encouraged to use them as they are not yet a Part of the Institution's Culture (Blair-Loy & Wharton; Harrington, 2 007). Employees in organizations that have supportive Cultures. could Reduce Workfamily Conflict, thus, increasing both job and Family satisfaction (Allen, 2,001th; Department of Trade and Industry, 2,004; Dixon & Sagas, two thousand and seven; Hughes & Bozionelos, 2007; Kossek & Ozeki, in 1998; Thompson et al., 1,999th. ). Perceived organizational Support is defined as "employees' Global Beliefs Concerning the extent to which the Organization values their contributions and Cares About their well-being "(Eisenberger, Huntington, Hutchison & Sowa, 1986, P. 504). Dixon and Sagas. (two thousand and seven) suggest that perceived organizational Support Can have a positive Impact on organizational commitment, job satisfaction, employee retention and Performance.
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