Once the crisis was apparent, financial managers of MNEs should ration translation - Once the crisis was apparent, financial managers of MNEs should ration English how to say

Once the crisis was apparent, finan

Once the crisis was apparent, financial managers of MNEs should rationally stop expansion of local facilities and try to repatriate cash balances in local currencies, if possible. This would cause the financial component of the balance of payments to worsen for the countries involved. For companies manufacturing for local consumption, a drop in local demand, possibly caused by an increase in costs if imported components were needed, would lead to cut backs in production and resultant unemployment, making the crisis-caused depression even worse.
บทเรียนที่ได้จากวิกฤตการณ์ทางการณเงินปี1997คือ อย่าปล่อยให้เกิดการขยายตัวของภาวะเศรษฐกิจฟองสบู่เนื่งจากจะเป็นตัวขับดันให้ราคาที่ดินและหลักทรัพย์ถีบตัวสูงเกินกว่าระดับที่สะท้อนพื้นฐานที่เป็นจริง และเมื่อเศรษฐกิจมีการเติบโตอย่างรวดเร็วควรมีการพิจารณาว่าการเจริญเติบโตนั้นมีคุณภาพหรือไม่ถ้าการเจริญเติบโตนั้นเป็นแบบไร้คุณภาพก็ควรมีการดำเนินนโยบายเพื่อชะลอการเติบโตทางเศรษฐกิจอย่างเร่งด่วน การเปิดประเทศควรคำนึงถึงระดับการเปิดประเทศที่เหมาะสมที่เป็นประโยชน์กับประเทศให้มากที่สุดรวมทั้งควรมีการเตรียมพร้อมโครงสร้างพื้นฐานทางเศรษฐกิจและปรับเปลี่ยนโครงสร้างการผลิตของประเทศให้เหมาะสมและเอื้อกับนโยบายทางเศรษฐกิจมากที่สุด.
การเปิดเสรีทางการเงินทำให้ทุนกลายเป็นปัจจัยการผลิต เกิดการ เคลื่อนย้ายเข้าออกของเงินทุนระหว่างประเทศ ซึ่งมีผลในการสั่นคลอนเสถียรภาพทางเศรษฐกิจภายในประเทศอย่างสำคัญ ประเทศที่เลือกเดินแนวทางเสรีนิยมทางการเงินจะต้องมีเครื่องมือและความสามารถในการรับมือกับนักเก็งกำไร ทั้งภายในประเทศและต่างประเทศ นอกจากนี้ควรมีการปรับปรุงกลไกนโยบายทางการเงินก่อนที่จะมีการเปิดเสรีทางการเงิน และการใช้นโยบายเสรีนิยมทางการเงิน ต้องปรับระบบที่เกี่ยวข้องให้เป็นไปในทิศเดียวกัน
ควรลดการพึ่งพิงเงินทุนจากต่างประเทศและหันมาพึ่งตนเองมากขึ้น ควรเข้มงวดและพัฒนาประสิทธิภาพการกำกับและตรวจสอบสถาบันการเงิน เมื่อเกิดวิกฤตที่เห็นได้ชัด, ผู้จัดการฝ่ายการเงินของ MNEs ควรจะหยุดการขยายตัวของสิ่งอำนวยความสะดวกในท้องถิ่นและถ้าเป็นไปได้ควรพยายามที่จะส่งคืนเงินสดในสกุลเงินท้องถิ่น ซึ่งจะทำให้ส่วนประกอบทางการเงินของการชำระเงินของยอดดุลที่ worsen สำหรับประเทศที่เกี่ยวข้อง สำหรับบริษัทที่ผลิตสำหรับปริมาณการใช้วัสดุท้องถิ่น ในความต้องการใน อาจเกิดจากการเพิ่มขึ้นของต้นทุนถ้าจำเป็น ส่วนประกอบที่นำเข้าจะนำไปสู่ตัดหลังในงานผลิตและ resultant ทำให้ซึมเศร้าที่เกิดวิกฤตยิ่งแย่ลง

The sum of internal and external funds from all sources represents
the total new financing available for investment in business assets—
both physical (land, buildings, equipment, and inventories) and
financial (claims in the form of cash, government and corporate
The amounts so designated will
differ depending on the degree of netness or grossness desired. "External financing," will refer to funds obtained
through new capital stock issues (external equity financing) and
through various types of loans, e.g., bond issues, mortgages, bank loans,
trade credit, etc.'

Internal sourcing means the funds come from related firms. “External sourcing” means the funds come from unrelated firms or investors. Internal financing types include: (1) funds from the parent company; (2) funds from sister subsidiaries; (3) subsidiary borrowing with parent guarantees. External financing types: (1) borrowing from sources in the parent country; (2) borrowing from sources outside the parent country; and (3) raising equity locally.

ประเภทการจัดหาเงินทุนภายในรวมถึง: (1) เงินทุนจาก บริษัท แม่; (2) เงินทุนจาก บริษัท ย่อยน้องสาว; (3) การกู้ยืม บริษัท ย่อยมีการค้ำประกันผู้ปกครอง และประเภทการจัดหาเงินทุนจากภายนอก ซึ่งแตกต่างจากinteral financing ดังนี้ : (1) การกู้ยืมเงินจากแหล่งในประเทศแม่; (2) การกู้ยืมเงินจากแหล่งนอกประเทศผู้ปกครอง; และ (3) การระดมทุนในประเทศ
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
Once the crisis was apparent, financial managers of MNEs should rationally stop expansion of local facilities and try to repatriate cash balances in local currencies, if possible. This would cause the financial component of the balance of payments to worsen for the countries involved. For companies manufacturing for local consumption, a drop in local demand, possibly caused by an increase in costs if imported components were needed, would lead to cut backs in production and resultant unemployment, making the crisis-caused depression even worse.Lessons from the financial crisis leave year 1997: don't let the bubble economy's expansion from a pressure-driven nueng, land prices and stock is in the hands of a base level that exceeds the actual reflection, and when the economy is growing fast, it should be considered whether the growth of quality or not, if the growth is a high quality, they should have a policy to delay urgent economic growth. Open markets and open economies should be considered an appropriate level that is useful to as many countries, including the preparation of the economic infrastructure, and modify the structure of the country, proper and conducive to economic policy as much as possible.Financial liberalization makes thunklai as a production factor. The movement was born out of international funds, which has resulted in a wobbly economic stability within the country, important. The selected countries within the guidelines of financial liberalism must have the tools and the ability to cope with more speculation. Both inside the country and abroad. In addition, there should be mechanisms for improving financial policies before there is a financial liberalization and financial liberalism policies. Need to adjust the relevant system, the same as in.Should reduce the dependency of funds from abroad and greater self-reliance. Strict performance and development, should be directed and monitor financial institutions. When a crisis occurs, apparently, the financial manager of the MNEs should stop expansion of facilities in the locality and, if possible, should try to return the cash in the local currency, which will make the financial component of the balance of payments worsen for the countries involved. For a company that produced for local consumption. In demand in may due to an increase of the costs if necessary. The imported components will lead to cuts in jobs and production, resultant makes depression worse the crisis.The sum of internal and external funds from all sources representsthe total new financing available for investment in business assets—both physical (land, buildings, equipment, and inventories) andfinancial (claims in the form of cash, government and corporateThe amounts so designated willdiffer depending on the degree of netness or grossness desired. "External financing," will refer to funds obtainedthrough new capital stock issues (external equity financing) andthrough various types of loans, e.g., bond issues, mortgages, bank loans,trade credit, etc.'Internal sourcing means the funds come from related firms. "External sourcing" means the funds come from unrelated firms or investors. Internal financing types include: (1) funds from the parent company; (2) funds from sister subsidiaries; (3) subsidiary borrowing with parent guarantees. External financing types: (1) borrowing from sources in the parent country; (2) borrowing from sources outside the parent country; and (3) raising equity locally.Funding category within, including: (1) Funding from parent companies; (2) Funds from the subsidiary or sister; (3) Loan subsidiaries parental guarantees and the type of external funding, which is different from the interal financing. As follows: (1) borrowing from domestic sources; mom (2) Borrowing from sources outside the country parents; and (3) Fund-raising in the country.
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
Once the crisis was apparent, financial managers of MNEs should rationally stop expansion of local facilities and try to repatriate cash balances in local currencies, if possible. This would cause the financial component of the balance of payments to worsen for the countries involved. For companies. manufacturing for local consumption, a drop in local demand, possibly caused by an increase in costs if imported components were needed, would lead to cut backs in production and resultant unemployment, making the crisis-caused depression even worse.
The lessons learned from the crisis support. As the year 1997 is Do not let the expansion of the economic bubble, since it is driven from the land and securities prices soaring higher than levels reflecting underlying reality. When the economy is growing fast and should be considered that the growth is quality growth if it is devoid of quality, it should be the policy of economic growth to slow abruptly. The opening should take into account the appropriate level of openness that benefit the country as much as it should have been preparing the infrastructure and economic restructuring of the country's right to produce and contributing to the economic policies the most.
Liberalization of financial capital as inputs make the move out of international capital. This has resulted in a shaky domestic economy significantly. Countries that choose to approach the Liberal finance must have the tools and ability to deal with speculators. Both within the country and abroad This mechanism should be improved monetary policy before the financial liberalization. And liberal financial policies. Systems need to be in the same direction
, should reduce its reliance on funding from abroad and turned to a more self-reliant. Should strict and effective supervision and monitoring of financial institutions. When the crisis was evident, financial managers of MNEs should stop the expansion of facilities in the district and, if possible, try to return cash in local currency. This will make the financial component of the balance of payments worsen for the countries involved. For companies that produce for local consumption. On demand Probably due to the increase in the cost if needed. Imported components will lead to cut backs in production and resultant depression crisis even worse, The Sum of internal and external Sources Funds from all represents the total New Financing Available for Investment in business Assets- both physical (Land. , Buildings, Equipment, and inventories) and Financial (Claims in the form of Cash, Government and Corporate The amounts so designated Will differ depending on the Degree of Netness or grossness desired. "External Financing," Will Refer to Funds obtained Through New Capital. Stock issues (external Equity Financing) and Through Various types of loans, eg, Bond issues, mortgages, loans Bank, Trade Credit, etc. ' means the Internal Sourcing Related Funds Come from firms. "External Sourcing" means the Funds Come from unrelated. firms or investors. Internal financing types include: (1) funds from the parent company; (2) funds from sister subsidiaries; (3) subsidiary borrowing with parent guarantees. External financing types: (1) borrowing from sources in the parent country; (2) borrowing from sources outside the parent country; and (3) raising equity locally. Type the financing include: (1) funding from the parent company; (2) Funding from subsidiaries sister; (3) The loans are guaranteed by the parent company. And the type of external financing. Unlike interal financing as follows: (1) the loan from the mother country; (2) borrowing money from sources outside the region; And (3) funding in the country.

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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
Once the crisis, was apparent financial managers of MNEs should rationally stop expansion of local facilities and try to. Repatriate cash balances in, local currencies if possible. This would cause the financial component of the balance of payments. To worsen for the countries involved. For companies manufacturing for local consumption a drop, in, local demandPossibly caused by an increase in costs if imported components were needed would lead, to cut backs in production and resultant. Unemployment making the, crisis-caused depression even worse.
.The lessons from the financial crisis at the 1997 annuity. Don't let the expansion of the economic bubble due to a drive to land prices and soaring higher than the level that reflects the securities basic reality.Open country should consider the degree of openness that right is beneficial to the country as much as possible and should be prepared economic infrastructure and modify the structure of production of country of appropriate and contributing constraints.Around economic policies as much as possible.
.Financial liberalization has become the capital input, moved in and out of Capital International. , which resulted in the shaky domestic economic stability significantly.Both domestic and abroad. Also should improve financial policy mechanism prior to the financial liberalization. The use of liberal policies and financial To adjust the system related to go in the same direction
.Should reduce reliance on foreign capital to rely more and more. Should be strict and develop the efficiency supervision and audit institutions. When the crisis hit the obvious,Finance manager of MNEs should stop the expansion of local facilities and, if possible, should try to return the cash in local currency. The components of financial payment of the balance worsen.For the company produced for local consumption in demand. May be due to the increased cost of if necessary. Import components leads to cut back on production resultant into depression and crisis even worse!

The sum of internal and external funds from all sources represents
the total new financing available for investment. In business assets -
both physical (,,, land buildings equipment and inventories) and
financial (claims in the form, of cash. Government and corporate
The amounts so designated will
differ depending on the degree of netness or grossness, desired. "External, financing"Will refer to funds obtained
through new capital stock issues (external equity financing) and
through various types of. Loans e.g. Bond issues,,,,, mortgages bank loans
trade, credit etc. '

Internal sourcing means the funds come from related. Firms. "External sourcing." means the funds come from unrelated firms or investors. Internal financing types include: (1). Funds from the parent company;(2) funds from sister subsidiaries; (3) subsidiary borrowing with parent guarantees. External financing types: (1 borrowing.) From sources in the parent country; (2) borrowing from sources outside the parent country; and (3) raising equity locally.

type financing includes:? (1) funds from the parent company;(2) funding from the subsidiary sister; (3) loans to subsidiaries are guaranteed parents. And the type of external financing, which is different from the interal financing as follows: (1) loans from sources in the mother country;(2) loans from sources outside the country parents; and (3) to raise funds in the country.
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